Superova Group

SUPEROVA GROUP Sponsored a Men’s Conference 2022 in MBEYA, Tanzania.

Group Photo, MD of SUPEROVA GROUP left side.

Nduwayo Dominic Mzonya, Managing Director of SUPEROVA GROUP, attended the Men’s Conference 2022 last Sunday, November 20, 2022, which was held in Tanzania, in Mbeya city, at the BEACO Hotel. The goal of this conference was to train men to speak out, which is why the conference slogan was “BRO FUNGUKA” in Swahili.
SUPEROVA GROUP was the primary sponsor of the Men’s Conference 2022, which was organized and carried out by Empower Youth Prosperity. Empower Youth Prosperity is an NGO that attempts to educate the entire community on how to protect, preserve, and uphold the rights of youth. EYP was established in 2020, with the ultimate goal of enabling youth to increase their potential in terms of capital development as well as the essential knowledge, skills, and confidence to improve their livelihoods through the effective utilization of available resources for socioeconomic development.

MD of Superova Group during the panel discussion

The senior Men and Young Men who attended the event were taught a variety of topics. Finance is one of the topics presented in the context of learning to save and invest, as it has become clear that men waste money for no reason. Mr Nduwayo Dominic Mzonya, Managing Director of SUPEROVA GROUP, a specialist in finance with more than 10 years in the finance field, and his panel explored this topic in depth to assist audiences to comprehend it very well. Different panels explored other topics in order to urge men to speak up because studies in Tanzania discovered that guys are also subjected to abuse but do not reveal the details of their harassment or violence.

SUPEROVA GROUP decided to put more effort into community building and supporting all activities of corporate Social responsibilities (CSR) in order to assist the government of Tanzania in developing both technology and citizens’ social welfare.

SUPEROVA GROUP enables digital transformation and company growth by assembling the capabilities required to help firms develop and prosper in the digital economy. We help our customers in using the power of data and artificial intelligence, modernizing core systems and capitalizing on new technologies, digital marketing, eCommerce operations, digital HR, O2O Sales solution, optimizing and automating operations, fueling digital growth, creating amazing digital experiences, and developing digital talent and culture.