Superova Group

Enterprise Resource Planning

Only 30% of businesses achieve more than half of the expected benefits from ERP systems.

We can ensure that business needs and the ERP program are linked by taking a business-driven approach to ERP investments and setting them in the context of the client’s global operating model, resulting in yearly benefits exceeding $100 million in some situations.


We concentrate on a few significant structural and process improvement levers, such as finance shared services, straight-through order processing, and standardized customer and purchasing data, where the trade-off between personalization and standardization must be assessed.


Our diagnostics for various business functions assist in predicting the value at stake (at an automobile manufacturer, the ERP value diagnostic increased the yearly rate of return for the business case by 15%), and a proven project design and execution methodology ensures that you realize the value. This is especially essential because businesses frequently fall short of full potential in the later stages of development and rollout.


We help realize the full benefits of such a large-scale IT initiative over time by assisting in the development of capabilities with a proven change-management approach.